
"Welcome, to my blog! Please come on a journey with me as we search out what God wants to reveal to us. My calling is to Dance and my favorite subject is Jesus. I am a Worshipper who Dances and this blog is all about what God is showing me and what He is doing in our life. I will have guests come and write their thoughts too. Please enjoy and lets ride this roller coaster together."
- Anna K.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Story - 'so far'

I was born in the early 90's and my parents knew before I was born that I would dance. By the time I was walking, I was dancing, and at the age of two I was enrolled into a dance school and was there for 11 years. During those years a lot happened. I learned every type of dance (ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, pointe, etc.). I loved to dance and knew it was my calling; I wanted to do it all day, every day. As I got older, I started feeling empty and dry and felt like I was just going through the motions. I competed in many competitions, won trophies, and cried when I didn't win.

I started attending an amazing Christian dance convention in 2001, called 'Dance Revolution'. It happened once a year and I would wait impatiently all year to go to that event because it refreshed me physically and spiritually. After several years I started realizing that something was wrong when I started dreading going back to my normal dance routine. Knowing that it was my calling, my parents couldn't figure out what was wrong until they started looking from the outside of the box instead of the inside. They saw that though the dance school, that I attended, was a good Christian studio, it had become very secular, forming into the World's standards in order to win competitions and a great name. We switched studios, and immediately there was a complete change. I started flourishing in that new environment. Instead of competing, they ministered to people the love, joy, and grace of God. It had an atmosphere of serenity and peace that I hadn't felt before in my dancing. He grew me spiritually, and physically. My dancing is becoming so much improved every year and He is still growing me in every way.

About four years ago I started having a heart for missions, when before I believed that I could never ever do that, but the Lord started shifting my Heart. I found out about organizations that use dance as their tool to minister the gospel to people. I was ecstatic at the thought of using my gift in other countries. So last year I traveled to Costa Rica (2008), with Arrows International, and a team of 12 dancers. We ministered day and night through our dance in parks, churches, etc. It was the most amazing time! My team bonded together and became unified as part of the Body of Christ. So many people gave their life to the Lord, and saw His love portrayed through drama and dance. The Lord ministered so much to me through the whole trip and gave me a realization that no matter what you may think the world says, He can use your gifts and talents for His kingdom. I'm so excited at what God is doing in my life and what he is doing in the world today and in this nation. This is my story to help you get acquainted with my life, but I'm not finished yet and neither are you, so set and world on fire for Jesus.

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